(Un) authorized autobiography: lyrical self and authorship in poems by Mia Couto
Mia Couto, Mozambican literature, poetry, authorship, lyrical selfAbstract
This paper aims to analyze some poems of the Mozambican writer Mia Couto, with focus on the relation between the lyrical self and empirical author, in order to verify the autobiographical co-incidences. In some poems, the lyrical self appears coincident with the real author, as in the texts dedicated to his father and to his wife. In others, there are points in common, but they are not assumed, leaving openings to interpretation. In this way, what is sought is not to determine the meanings of the poems and to delimit the interpretation by the autobiographical way simply, but to verify how the various instances of the voice work in the poems and, from there, to raise some characteristics of the poetic production of Mia Couto.Downloads
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