Methodological principles for the detection of digital communication neologisms




neology, methodological procedures, digital communication.


The objective of this article is to describe some methodological principles for the collection and validation of digital communication neologisms, and tangentially, to discuss the possible directions in which the digital world leads these principles. Based on studies by Alves (2012), Cabré (2016), Auger (2010), Estopà (2015), Rey (1976), among others, we present the traditional phases of neological work and the main criteria established for the validation of neologisms. Then, we address some limitations of those criteria, followed by methodological proposals that can work as additional steps. Finally, we synthesize the methodological steps adopted in the detection of the neological units of our research (among them: corongavírus, biscoitar, fígital, infoxicação, lacrosfera and quarentener), emphasizing the criteria that proved to be functional in their collection and validation.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Ribeiro de Jesus, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil

Departamento de Línguas e Letras (DLL), área de Linguística


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How to Cite

Jesus, A. M. R. de. (2021). Methodological principles for the detection of digital communication neologisms. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 50(1), 243–261.


