The Deontic Modality in Impersonal Completive Constructions Composed of a Matrix Clause with ser + preciso: a Cognitive-Functional Analysis
functionalism, deontic modality, completive construction, impersonality.Abstract
From the assumptions of the American Functionalism and Cognitive Linguistics, this paper presents the results of an analysis about impersonal completive constructions composed of a matrix clause with the verb ser + preciso, and the different degrees of the deontic modality (external obligation, internal obligation and necessity). To compose the corpora for analysis, data extracted from the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and O Globo were extracted. As for the results, it was noticed that the matrix clause is predominantly positioned on the left of a construction, which indicates the speaker’s attitude. In addition, there is a greater use of external obligation, then necessity and, finally, a less use of internal obligation. As for the types of verbs in completive constructions, dynamic verbs are most used in external obligation; cognitive or epistemic verbs are predominant in internal obligation; and both dynamic and cognitive verbs occur in necessity.Downloads
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